核与粒子物理学术报告会 131
发布时间:2023-11-13   作者: 访问量:

Nuclear and Particle Physics Colloquium 131


Place: Shahe Campus C826

Time:14:00, NOV. 15, 2023

Title:  RELICS: A liquid xenon time projection chamber for CEvNS detection

Speaker:  高飞(清华大学物理系


Neutrino-nucleus coherent scattering, also known as CEvNS, is a highly promising method for monitoring nuclear reactors from a distance thanks to its large cross-section. A precise determination of the CEvNS cross-section significantly impacts understanding the properties of neutrinos and constraining new physics beyond the standard model. However, the biggest challenge faced by CEvNS detectors is lowering the energy threshold to keV and sub-keV while mitigating the cosmogenic background at sea level. One of the most promising technologies for CEvNS search is the liquid xenon time projection chamber (LXeTPC), which boasts a well-established low background and energy threshold. The RELICS (REactor neutrino LIquid xenon Coherent Scattering experiment) experiment aims to detect reactor CEvNS using an LXeTPC. In this presentation, I will introduce the RELICS experiment, focusing on its status and discovery potential for CEvNS signals from reactor neutrinos.

About speaker:

高飞,清华大学物理系副教授、博士研究生导师。2016年博士毕业于上海交通大学物理与天文学院,导师是倪凯旋教授。博士毕业后到美国哥伦比亚大学天体物理实验室先后任博士后、副研究员,合作导师是国际知名物理学家、XENON合作组发言人Elena Aprile教授。2020年到清华大学物理系工作,得到国家"海外青年人才计划"支持,加入XENON国际合作组并成为决策委员会(Collaboration Board)成员。2019-2021年担任XENONnT实验首任物理分析协调人(Analysis Coordinator),2023年起成为科学决策组(Science Strategy Team)成员。2021年起在国内建立RELICS合作组,推动基于液氙探测技术的中微子相干性散射实验,得到科技部国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目支持。高飞在提升暗物质和中微子信号的探测灵敏度方面取得了多项国际领先的研究成果。发表论文三十余篇,包括《物理评论快报》15篇,《自然》1篇,《科学》1篇,其中热点论文5篇。论文总引用11000余次。
