核与粒子物理学术报告会 129
发布时间:2023-10-23   作者: 访问量:

Nuclear and Particle Physics Colloquium 129


Place: Shahe Campus C826

Time:10:00, Oct. 30, 2023

Title:  利用PAN进行深空探测 Exploring deep space with Penetrating particle Analyzer(PAN)

Speaker:  谢鹏伟 (日内瓦大学)


Penetrating Particle Analyzer (PAN)是一个多功能小型的带电粒子探测器,设计用于深空带电粒子探测。它可以精确测量能量从30 MeV/n 到10 GeV/n的带电粒子,和传统深空辐射探测器相比能域范围高了1-2个数量级,可以填补目前对于GeV星系宇宙线测量的空缺。PAN采用了磁谱仪技术,探测器运用了当下前沿的探测器技术。它由两块永磁体,基于SiPM读取塑闪的TOF系统,硅像素探测器和硅微条探测器构成,总质量小于10公斤,低能耗。在过去几年了,我们对探测器进行了大量的电子/质子/重离子等束流测试,对探测器性能进行研究和探测器进行微调。目前探测器的位置分辨率可以到达4个微米,可以区分至少Z=20(钙)的粒子,对于1GeV电子分辨率在12%左右。该报告将详细介绍PAN探测器的技术细节,以此展开讨论未来国内磁谱仪探测器的开发和在南极以及深空的应用前景。

The Penetrating Particle Analyzer (PAN) is a versatile instrument designed for deep space science and interplanetary missions. It is capable of precisely measuring and monitoring the flux, composition, and direction of highly penetrating particles ranging from 30 MeV/nucleon to 10 GeV/nucleon. PAN potentially finds applications in cosmic ray physics and solar physics. The detector adopts a magnetic spectrometer technique with cutting-edge detection technologies, weighs less than 10 kg, and has low power consumption.
This talk elaborates on MiniPAN, the demonstrator of PAN. MiniPAN adopts two sections of permanent magnets, two Time-Of-Flight (TOF) modules read out by SiPMs to determine the incident particle direction, two Pixel detectors that can survive high rate conditions, such as those occurring during solar energetic particle events or when traveling through the radiation belts, and six high-resolution silicon strip detectors for determination of particle momentum, encapsulated in an Al frame with a total mass of less than 10 kg. Extensive beam tests and cosmic ray campaigns were carried out in the past three years to demonstrate the functionality of mini-PAN detector. The best position resolution achieved so far is 4 m. Momentum resolution for 1 GeV electrons is around 12%.

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